Weight Loss Surgery Options


Learn more about all of the weight loss surgery options available to you at The Sleeve Center.

Weight loss procedures help patients lose a significant portion of weight over both the long and short term, and there are many weight loss surgery options available. As there are several different types used today, it’s important that you look at the benefits of each one and what happens during each procedure to choose one that is best for you.

The right surgery may also depend on:

  • Your insurance coverage
  • Your current weight and health
  • What your doctor recommends for your situation


Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery is similar to other procedures because the doctor creates a small pouch along one side of your stomach. When you eat food, you may keep eating until you no longer feel hungry or until your stomach feels full. As you continue overeating, you can actually expand the size of your stomach, which will leave you eating even more food to feel satisfied. With Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon uses a small portion of your stomach to create a pouch.Weight-Loss-Surgery-Options-The-Sleeve-Center-2 Anything you eat goes into this pouch before moving into the digestive system. The doctor will then attach the small intestine to this pouch. Your stomach acids break down the foods you eat before pushing those foods into the small intestine. Though this procedure is popular, you may need to take supplements later because you cannot absorb enough nutrients from the foods you eat. There is also a risk that some patients may develop dumping syndrome because foods move so quickly through their systems.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Also known as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve surgery also involves the use of a small pouch or tube. This is a type of laparoscopic procedure that allows the doctor to view your stomach through the use of a small camera inserted through an incision in your belly button. The doctor will remove a section of the stomach and form a pouch from the remaining portion. As the surgeon will not connect the stomach to the small intestine, you should not experience any form of dumping syndrome. The tube is significantly smaller than the total size of your stomach, which means that you can only eat a fraction of what you did before. The enzymes in your stomach break down the food before pushing it into the digestive system. It also reduces the production of ghrelin, which is a hormone that stimulates your appetite.

Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding

Weight-Loss-Surgery-Options-The-Sleeve-Center-3Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, also known as adjustable banding surgery, is an alternative to gastric bypass surgery. The surgeon places an inflatable balloon with a band around the top section of your stomach. This creates a small pouch that holds all the food you eat. The band reduces the size of the stomach but provides a small tube in which food can move to the larger area of your stomach and then into your intestines. A tube connected to the band will connect to a small port that lets the doctor inflate or deflate the balloon to change the size of your stomach pouch. Though gastric banding will reduce your stomach enough that you no longer need to eat as much, it still lets you get all the nutritional benefits necessary from your foods.

Vertical Band Gastroplasty Surgery

Vertical band gastroplasty surgery is the technical term given to stomach stapling. The procedure requires that the surgeon make significant changes to your body. As it comes with some potential side effects and potential problems, doctors often only recommend this procedure for patients who are significantly overweight and those who cannot lose weight on their own. The surgeon uses a band to create a small pouch at the top of your stomach that has an opening of no greater than one-centimeter into the rest of your stomach. He or she will also use staples to keep the pouch stable. This is a more permanent solution that other methods, which is why doctors often recommend gastric sleeve surgery and other procedures first.

Weight-Loss-Surgery-Options-The-Sleeve-Center-4To determine your best weight loss surgery options, your doctor will look at factors such as your medical history, current weight and lifestyle, and more. Together, you can decide on a procedure that will be a good fit.

Is Weight Loss Surgery Right for You?

Weight-Loss-Surgery-Options-The-Sleeve-Center-5Though weight loss surgery can help you finally get down to a healthy weight, you need to select the right procedure. Talk with your doctor about the pros and cons of each procedure. You may want to discuss the surgeries with your insurer to make certain that your policy covers the operation too. Weight loss surgery is a good option for those who are significantly overweight and those who have a body mass index (BMI) that puts them into the obese category.

Obesity increases your risks of suffering from many health complications like high cholesterol and high blood pressure. You also have an increased risk of developing other diseases that include heart disease and diabetes. Depending on your weight, you may find it hard to stick to a strict exercise program or even do simple activities to lose weight. Weight loss surgery provides you with the results that you want and can help you keep the weight off. Of course, results vary from one patient to the next and depend heavily on how closely you follow your doctor’s instructions.

To discuss your weight loss surgery options, contact our office today. During your free consultation with Dr. Naim, you can explore all of the possibilities. You can also ask any questions that you might have about preparing for surgery, recovering from surgery, and what life after surgery looks like for you. Work with your doctor to develop realistic expectations about your procedure so that you know what you have to look forward to and how you need to change your life to achieve your goals.

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