Stomach Stapling


Learn more about when The Sleeve Center might recommend stomach stapling.

Gastric restrictive surgery is commonly known as stomach stapling, and it is a weight-loss procedure performed by surgeons in a hospital. This type of bariatric procedure is used to limit the amount of food that an individual can consume to help with their weight loss. In most cases, surgeons will only consider weight loss surgery for a patient who has tried and failed at other weight loss methods such as:

  • Low-calorie diet
  • Exercise program


With this surgical technique, the stomach and intestinal tract remain in place without any incisions. However, a surgeon will place a band or staples around a patient’s stomach to create two sections. One section created by the surgeon is very small, and it is impossible for a patient to consume large quantities of food without becoming nauseous.

After the patient’s stomach begins to digest a small portion of food, it flows into the lower pouch for additional digestion before passing into their intestinal tract. Instead of consuming several cups of food during each meal, a patient can eat only one cup or less without feeling uncomfortable. In addition, the feeling of fullness in the small stomach pouch helps to create a feeling of satiation as hormones are released in the patient’s body and travel to their brain. Weight loss is encouraged with this method, but is not guaranteed.

To learn more about stomach stapling and to find out if you might be a candidate for a weight loss procedure, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

Types of Stomach Stapling

Stomach Stapling - The Sleeve Center 2

This is a two-step procedure that involves stapling the stomach to make a smaller pouch followed by another surgery to change the direction of the flow of food inside the small intestine. If patients lose enough weight with the first surgery, then the second surgery is not necessary. Within one year, some patients lose up to 80 percent of their excess body weight with this nonreversible procedure. However, these results vary.

    • Two: Vertical Banded Gastroplasty

With this procedure, a surgeon combines staples and a band to create a small stomach pouch that has a tiny opening between the two sections. The surgeon places a fine plastic mesh around this opening to keep it from expanding, and within one year, a patient could lose approximately 55 percent of their excess weight, although these results vary.

With this procedure, a surgeon uses an adjustable band to create a smaller stomach pouch. A surgeon can add or remove saline from the band or add staples to reinforce the smaller pouch. This is a newer type of bariatric surgery, and there are no recent statistics on its average weight-loss percentage.

All of these procedures require small incisions on the patient’s abdomen, and a surgeon can insert instruments or a camera into the incision to add the staples or bands. Instead of looking directly into the patient’s body to perform the delicate techniques, a surgeon uses a television monitor that displays the images from the video camera.

Who Qualifies for Stomach Stapling Surgery?

Stomach Stapling - The Sleeve Center 3Patients are not automatically approved for stomach stapling surgery because they are required to lose weight with other methods such as a low-calorie meal plan, additional exercise, and appetite-suppressant medications. When patients are unable to lose weight with other methods, they are examined to determine if they qualify for stomach stapling surgery. Some of the reasons that patients are approved for surgery include:

  • Obesity combined with cardiovascular disease
  • Obesity combined with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • Obesity combined with obstructive sleep apnea
  • A high body mass index of 35 to 40
  • Men who are 100 pounds or more over their ideal weight
  • Women who are 80 pounds or more over their ideal weight

How is Stomach Stapling Helpful for a Patient’s Overall Health?

Stomach Stapling - The Sleeve Center 4After stomach stapling, a patient will need to recover from the process and consume a liquid diet that gradually changes to harder foods. Patients must eat nutrient-rich foods. In addition, small amounts of vegetables are permitted. Patients may experience intense cravings and many find it difficult to change their diet. This is why surgeons require patients to adjust their diet before the surgery with a specialized plan that includes several small meals a day with no snacking.

What Happens Before Stomach Stapling Surgery?

Patients will meet with a therapist and surgeon several times before a stomach stapling surgery to determine if they are mentally and physically prepared. A patient should inform the surgeon about any medications or dietary supplements that they are using, and the surgeon may need to talk to a patient’s other physicians about these substances. Also, inform the surgical team about any allergic reactions to latex or anesthetics before beginning a procedure.

Stomach Stapling - The Sleeve Center 5Women who are pregnant are not approved for weight-loss surgery, and they should avoid pregnancy throughout the recovery process. A surgeon will explain the surgery to a patient, and a patient might need to watch a video to see what occurs during the procedure and what to expect. Before the surgery, a patient is not permitted to eat for eight hours. Right before surgery begins, a physician will insert a urinary catheter and intravenous line into the patient’s body. A patient is under anesthesia throughout the procedure and will receive pain medications after waking.

The exact steps that you need to take in order to prepare for this procedure will be provided to you by your doctor and will be tailored to your situation. It is very important to follow these steps carefully, especially where medications, diet plans, and physical activity are involved. These guidelines can help you to achieve the best possible results and to also have a safer recovery.

To learn more about stomach stapling or any other type of weight loss surgery, contact our office today for a consultation and to learn more about what could make you a good candidate for the procedure.

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